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Get Plan Details


Use this method to get details of your plans.


Returns details of the plans of the Dedicated Server Windows product, along with the plan details of other Products of the Reseller.


The response structure for the Dedicated Server Windows product will be:

India Server

"dedicatedserverwindowsin": { "plan-id": { "supported_os": [ { "os_display_name":"OS Display Name", "os_name":"OS Name", "addons": [ { "addon_name":"ipaddress", "is_paid":(true or false), "free_quantity":2, "conflicting_addon_names":[] } ], "is_default"(true or false) } ], "plan_name":"Plan Name", "bandwidth":value, "ram": { "ram_memory":value, "ram_type":"RAM Type" }, "storage": { "storage_raid_level":value, "storage_space":value, "storage_type":"SATA" }, "cpu": { "cpu_speed":"value", "cpu_hyper_threaded":(true or false), "cpu_processor_type":"Processor Type", "cpu_cores":value } } }